Facilitation of strategies for change for youth facilities in a number of different local authority areas
Client: Big Lottery Fund/DSCF (through Hall Aitken)
Acting as the regional champion for Yorkshire and Humberside for the myplace programme of building iconic youth centres, including facilitation of strategies for change for youth facilities in a number of different local authority areas.
Seminar on Regional Development
Client: State Planning Organisation/Inwent
One day seminar on regional development and RDAs in the UK.
Assistance in writing project specifications from its Working Neighbourhoods Strategy
Client: Sunderland City Council
Assistance to the Council in fully defining projects and budgets under the Working Neighbourhoods Strategy (sections on enterprise rather than employment). This included research into specific topics (including enterprise in education and franchising) and identification of best practice from elsewhere. Terms of reference ready for tenders were produced in some cases.
Advice to Leicester City Council on approaches to procurement from the Voluntary Sector
Client: Leicester City Council
Advice to the Council on which contracts would need to go to competitive tender based on the EU procurement directive. This involved analysis of existing practice and precedents, and documentation including the Commission's interpretative communication. In addition, some analysis was done of the competitive environment and the likelihood of having more than a single credible bidder. Contracts were classified on a traffic light system and recommendations were given for future approaches to commissioning